lunes, 18 de junio de 2007


Saint Valentine’s day is celebrated on 14th February .In old Rome people used to adore the God of the love, whose name was Eros, also known as Cupido.
Also and many centuries ago, it was traditional in England (around XVII and XVIII centuries) “the celebration of the Valentines” where men and women were choosen to form pairs.
San Valentine is the patron of the people who is in love and everybody who want to have one special friend not only to go to the cinema or to the disco… but to make a family.
Nowadays we celebrate san valentine on the 14th February and now they gives presents

domingo, 17 de junio de 2007


The Sahara, the greatest desert of the world, it covers a quarter with the continent.
It starts in Nigeria, on high territories of Ethiopia and around of the great lakes western Africa Sahara.
The Sahara desert is the more expensive of world.
The Sahara takes 1.610 km in the continent, and have one width of 5.150 km.
The area total of the Sahara is 9,1 millions of Km2 and 207.200 km2 are oasis.
In 2004 I went to the Sahara I rid a camel and I saw where was made the filmed of the star wars.
In the desert has one river of salt and one oasis
When is sunny has one mirage that seem water

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007


Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a state of western Europe constituted in parliamentary monarchy that occupies something more than five sixth of the Iberian Peninsula, two located archipelagoes, one in the Mediterranean Sea (the Balearic islands) and another one in the Atlantic Ocean (the Canary Islands), as well as the seats of sovereignty in the north of the African continent (among them the independent cities of Ceuta and Melilla) and the enclave of Llivia in the French Pyrenees. Next to other twenty-six European countries it conforms European Unión (UE). ² has an extension of 504,645 km. Its capital is Madrid. In its peninsular territory joint party land borders with France and the Principality from Andorra to the north, with Portugal to the west and the British colony from Gibraltar to the south. In his African territories, it shares land borders and marine with Morocco. Joint party with France the island of the Pheasants in the mouth of the river pirenaicas Bidasoa and five facerías. In addition, it has another smaller series of districts and noncontinental possessions like the Chafarinas islands, the rock of Vélez of the Gomera and the rock of Lavenders